Probiotic Hand Sanitizer
Lately, we use a lot of hand sanitizer!
Using simple, natural ingredients and adding probiotic culture to our hand sanitizer helps keep our skins' microbiome in balance while killing the bad bacteria. A major bonus to this formula is that is does not dry out your skin like competitor brands!
While it's generally safe to use hand sanitizer from time to time in between hand washings, it can certainly take a toll on our skin causing dryness and irritation. Especially for those of us with sensitive skin.
The most common brands use not just ethyl alcohol, but a cocktail of other chemicals to kill off the germs. Unfortunatelly they don't just kill the bad bacteria- they kill off ALL of the bacteria, and it may come as a surprise to you, but we need some of that good stuff around to help balance out the naturally occuring microbes on our skin that plays a key roll in the immune system.
Using simple, natural ingredients and adding probiotic culture to our hand sanitizer helps keep our skins microbiome in balance while killing the bad bacteria. A major bonus to this formula is that is does not dry out your skin like it's competitors!